Outsmart the market.

Here’s the tea: The DC metro real estate market is cutthroat. Even when markets shift and the rest of the country falls into a lull, the DMV rarely does. Most highly sought after homes spend less than a week on the market before an offer is accepted, and unless you’ve got Scrooge McDuck levels of cash on-hand or the most flexible schedule known to man, it can feel like you don’t stand a chance.


That’s where OUR PODCAST comes in.

Rent Move Buy, The RARE’s exclusive podcast, is the DMV region’s first real estate podcast designed specifically for you – the buyer, seller or renter. Hosted by Alison Scimeca, licensed REALTOR® and Founder of The RARE, Rent Move Buy digs into everything you need to know about home buying, selling and renting in the DC region… and we do it with the same RARE realness that you love us for. Check it out for interviews with local and national experts, crazy-good insider tips and more.

Listen, learn, and show DC real estate who’s boss. (Psst… You are.)
